Participate in Weird and Wonderful Wood

If you would like to get involved in Weird and Wonderful Wood 2025

Weird and Wonderful Wood has a varied and interesting selection of stalls, demonstrators, children's workshops, entertainers and caterers and we are always keen to speak to anyone that would like to get involved. If you have something related to wood that you would like to bring along please get in touch using the form below and we will get back to you.

Let us know as much as possible about your stall, craft, demonstration, workshop, act or maybe something else that we haven’t thought of! We would really love to see some photos of what you do, make, or sell, so please upload these below. 

We are a wood fair so we are looking for wood related stalls and demonstrators, however if you think you will fit in with something else please get in touch. 

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Spoke Shaving
Participants Form
What do you do?

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"We had an amazing day! Great entertainment, great stalls, great vibe and great weather to top it off! We'll definitely be back next year!"
Diane Howard